create date in mail merge documents in Word 2000



We previously used Access to create our Word documents from Templates and
inserting data from the access database. Now we are just using Word
documents and mailmerge using an Excel spreadsheet as the datasource.
However there is the problem of putting the date the document was created in
the newly merged document. If I use the Inserted Field {CREATEDATE} it puts
the date the main document was created into the merge document. This was not
a problem when using templates from Access but now it does not work with Word
Mailmerge. Any suggestions?

Charles Kenyon

Use a template with the CreateDate field. When you want to do a merge,
create a new document based on the template and merge that.
Charles Kenyon

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Thank you so much Charles. I have thought of that but if you have to open
and merge at least 7 merge documents at a time as oposed to having a wizard
in Access create all the documents, this extra step is cumbersome for the
secretaries. Is there some switch on the date field that will allow this?
or can it be done with VBA?

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

How about having a field in the Excel datasource that contains the Now

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Hello Doug and thanks for your suggestion. If I am not mistaken the Now
function will change the date everytime the document is calculated. If
Options Calculations is set to Automatic, there is a possibility that this
date can change. Possibility is even greater since there are a number of
users that use and update these documents frequently. We want a date that
will remain consistent. Wouldn't we have to copy this function into the new
row every time we create a new record?

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