Create drawing here


Martin Johnson

Using Word 2002 on XP.
Why, when I go to draw a text box or a line in a Word
document, does a grey frame appear with the text "create
drawing here" appear?
It is very annoying and sometimes covers what I am trying
to draw. Hitting 'esc' seems to remove it, but it keeps
returning each time I draw a new object.
I assume it is supposed to have some function, but
frankly, its a damn nuisance. I seem to be able to draw on
the page without it .... is this some 'new' feature in
Word 2002?
Appreciate some tuition ...



Not sure of the exact nomenclature as I don't have access
to a Word 2002 machine here.

Tools>Options>General. Uncheck the box that reads
something like Automatically create drawing canvass when
inserting autoshapes.

When you need the canvass you can get one easily with

Martin Johnson

Great ... many thanks.

-----Original Message-----

Not sure of the exact nomenclature as I don't have access
to a Word 2002 machine here.

Tools>Options>General. Uncheck the box that reads
something like Automatically create drawing canvass when
inserting autoshapes.

When you need the canvass you can get one easily with


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