Create Email That Allow Accept/Decline to Calendar

  • Thread starter Johnmichael Monteith
  • Start date

Johnmichael Monteith

I am attempting to create an email (using CDONTS) from an IIS server that
will be in a format that Outlook will recognize as a potential calendar
entry that someone would accept or decline. If they accept, the entry would
be placed in their calendar.

I looked at the code behind one of these emails and try to copy the format
to make it work, but it is not working.

At the end of this email is some example code.

Any thoughts or ideas on how to make this work (or whether it is even
possible -- I assume it must be), would be wonderful.

Thank you so much!



Dim objMail

Const cdoBodyFormatHTML = 0

Const cdoMailFormatMIME = 0

strHTMLOpen = "<HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY>" & _

"<object ID=""Application""

strHTMLClose = "</FONT></BODY></HTML>"

strScript = "<script language=vbcript>" & vbCrlF & _

"On Error Resume Next" & vbCrlF & _

"Set ApptItem = Application.CreateItem(1)" & vbCrlF & _

"ApptItem.BusyStatus = 0" & vbCrlF & _

"ApptItem.Recipients.Add (""Dummy Account"")" & vbCrlF & _

"ApptItem.Subject = ""Action Item Due""" & vbCrlF & _

"ApptItem.StartTime=""#01/01/05 1:00 PM#""" & vbCrlF & _

"ApptItem.Duration = 30" & vbCrlF & _

"ApptItem.Save" & vbCrlF & _



Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")




objMail.BodyFormat = cdoBodyFormatHTML

objMail.MailFormat = cdoMailFormatMIME

objMail.Body= strScript & strHTMLOpen & Trim(Request.Form("Comments")) &


Set objMail = Nothing

If Err.Number <> 0 Then

Response.Write Err.Description


End If%>

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Outlook doesn't run script on HTML format items, for security reasons. The correct approach would be to include an iCalendar MIME part in your message. See for details on the iCal specification.

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