Create Excel Workbook etc - Close - in a loop - hyperlink add failure



I'm newbie to group - but not in VBA - Access.
I'm generating Excel workbook/sheets etc on the fly and it works! -

I have a loop which

1. copies a template workbook - vba
2 opens it as an Excel object etc
3 assigns hyperlinks to cells


n. quits the application
n+1 sets application to nothing

This works perfectly for the first loop iteration

next time round it does 1 and 2 but fails on 3

oWrkSh.Cells(i + 6, "F") = Employees(i)
RangeCells = "H" & CStr(i + 6) & ":I" & CStr(i + 6)

FAILS NEXT STATEMENT even though it was ok for the 1st iteration - workbook

oWrkSh.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, _
Address:="", SubAddress:="'" & Employees(i) & " (Leads)'" & "!A1",
TextToDisplay:="Leads Report"

error says automation error - can't add hyperlink or thereabouts

Any ideas?

TIA Michael


Thanks for ideas - but solved my own problem. It is an Excel "feature"

Each of the workbooks I was creating had the same filename - different
paths - but eventually xxxx.xls

Even closing the application between workbook creations seemed to leave some
trace of xxxx.xls in "excel memory" - so it failed at really any statement
which referred to a worksheet.

The workaround - bit of a nuisance - Each filename for each new workbook, is

This works .

An aside.

It is the most incredible sight - a "few" lines of code and workbooks and
multi worksheets creating in their multitudes in front of your eyes!


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