Create fields in multiple tables using import



I have an access 2002 application.
I have a main client table and a client table specifically
for importing table in to.
The tables are related throuth the clientID field
I want the relationship to automatically create
corresponding field in the main table when data is
imported in to the import table.

My question basically is can a relationship create records
automaically in the related table ?

Nikos Yannacopoulos


No, relationships don't do that. To do what you want you can either invoke
some code, or ste up an append query and run it through a macro right after
the import.
The question is, though, if you want the the imported client data in your
main clients table (which makes sense), what do you need the other "import"
table for? Why not import to your main table direclty? Why duplicate data in
the two tables?


John Marshall, MVP

It may not be a matter of duplicate information. For example if you are
going from an Excel spreadsheet to an Access database, you may want certain
columns in one table and other columns in another because they are
duplicated in the Excel spreadsheet.

There may be an issue of security. Some of the information may be sensitive
and need to placed in a different table to limit access.

There may be an issue of performance. Though sharing a common key, some of
the information may be used under different circumstance. So seperating a
table with a large record size into smaller and more logical groupings, may
help performance. User A can manipulate information about a specific key
without impacting User B because the type of information is different and is
in a different table.

Three choices:
1) Import as a single table and then split.
2) Create seperate imports for each table.
3) UseVBA and read the source file and place the fields in whichever table
you want.

John... Visio MVP

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