Create form ltr w/ optional paragraphs


Chris C.

I'd like to create a master form letter which would have
numerous paragraphs -- not all of which would be
applicable to all cases. The user could then select which
paragraphs s/he needs (perhaps by clicking a check box?)
and only those would print out.

Obviously this could easily be done by simply deleting the
paragraphs which don't apply but I'd like to make the
process more automated. Any suggestions?

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Chris,

My first reaction would be to say: Save the paragraphs as
AutoText entries. Present the user with a dialog box
(UserForm) with the checkboxes. When OK is clicked, the
appropriate AutoText entries are inserted.

If you've never worked with macros and UserForms in the
VBEditor before

1. Visit the website for some basic tutorials
2. Follow up in the word.vba.beginners newsgroup
I'd like to create a master form letter which would have
numerous paragraphs -- not all of which would be
applicable to all cases. The user could then select which
paragraphs s/he needs (perhaps by clicking a check box?)
and only those would print out.

Obviously this could easily be done by simply deleting the
paragraphs which don't apply but I'd like to make the
process more automated. Any suggestions?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep
30 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow
question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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