Hey...looks cool works with PHP or ASP...have you used it?
Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression
| Rob,
| Actually, the OP could use a program like Zoom Search that creates its
| own index. It does not rely on php, asp or such. It is also free without
| any banners or ads.
| Mike
| Rob Giordano (Crash) wrote:
| > You'll need to know what scripting language and database your host
| > supports...like PHP & MySql or ASP, ASP.net and SQL or Access. From
| > you'll need to build the database and connection and use the script
| > to search and display the results on a page.
| >
| > This may be a tad beyond the scope of Publisher designed websites
though -
| > not sure as I've never attempted it with Publisher.
| >
| > You "may" get somewhere with using Google's local search engine
| >