confused on the tundra
I need to create a hyperlink to a URL address that is in another cell
A1:A10 have items numbers and B1:B10 have the corrosponding web page that
has a description of that item, i.e. B1 has a URL to a describtion of the
item in A1.
I wan to have A1:A10 be hyperlinked to the corrasponding link in B1:B10. I
have tried copying the URL address in B1, highlighting
A1-->insert-->hyperlink, but I can not paste the address into the box that
asks for the address. I though I could do a macro to do all of them but
apparentlly not. I have over a thousand to do, is there a automated way to do
A1:A10 have items numbers and B1:B10 have the corrosponding web page that
has a description of that item, i.e. B1 has a URL to a describtion of the
item in A1.
I wan to have A1:A10 be hyperlinked to the corrasponding link in B1:B10. I
have tried copying the URL address in B1, highlighting
A1-->insert-->hyperlink, but I can not paste the address into the box that
asks for the address. I though I could do a macro to do all of them but
apparentlly not. I have over a thousand to do, is there a automated way to do