Create label dialog box.


Kerry V

Hi there,

I am using Word 2000 under Windows 2000. When using mail
merge, I bring up the mail merge helper, and go through
the steps. After opening a data source, it brings up the
Create Label dialog box. I fill this in, and to put the
data in my document I need to press OK. I then usually
discover that I want a particular field in a different
size font, or to remove a line break etc. Is there a way
to bring the Create Label dialog box back with my setup
still in it so I can make small changes?

Any help muchly appreciated.


Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Kerry,

You need to go over the Mail merge helper and change the
merge document type (step 1) to something else, then back
to "labels". Note that this means starting over from

Under some, very special circumstances, you might prefer to
make the changes in the first label (table cell), then
copy/paste to the other lables - making SURE to not delete
the NEXT field at the beginning of these labels/cells.
I am using Word 2000 under Windows 2000. When using mail
merge, I bring up the mail merge helper, and go through
the steps. After opening a data source, it brings up the
Create Label dialog box. I fill this in, and to put the
data in my document I need to press OK. I then usually
discover that I want a particular field in a different
size font, or to remove a line break etc. Is there a way
to bring the Create Label dialog box back with my setup
still in it so I can make small changes?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update
Jan 24 2003)

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