I have used Quattro Pro for years and I’m having difficulty adjusting to
Macros in VBA. I need help creating an Excel 2003 Expense macro. The macro
should popup a menu with a list of my expense categories Office, Supplies,
Repairs, etc. By typing the first letter of the word or scrolling down, I go
to Supplies, a new menu pops up with list of Suppliers: ABC Company, DEF
Company, GHI Company, etc. I select the company and the macro inputs the
Company name Always Starting in cell A22, moves over one cell to B22 inputs
category Supplies, moves over to next cell to allow input by the user of the
Amount. After User entering Amount the macro moves back (left) 2 cells and
down 1 row. Ready to input next expense one line down.
Macros in VBA. I need help creating an Excel 2003 Expense macro. The macro
should popup a menu with a list of my expense categories Office, Supplies,
Repairs, etc. By typing the first letter of the word or scrolling down, I go
to Supplies, a new menu pops up with list of Suppliers: ABC Company, DEF
Company, GHI Company, etc. I select the company and the macro inputs the
Company name Always Starting in cell A22, moves over one cell to B22 inputs
category Supplies, moves over to next cell to allow input by the user of the
Amount. After User entering Amount the macro moves back (left) 2 cells and
down 1 row. Ready to input next expense one line down.