Create multiple XY scatter charts



Dear friends,

I have the following sample date from a forest inventory

Serial Number (1...500)
Height (e.g. 13)
Age (e.g. 120)

I need to create XY scatter charts for each row of data? Is it possible
using some code?

Thanking you in advance,


Bernard Liengme

I am reading this as:
You have serial numbers in one column (say A1:A500); in the next column you
have Height and the next you have Age
You want an XY chart of this data.
Select B1:C500 and then use the Chart Wizard to make the chart.
Am I missing something?
best wishes


Thanks for the reply,

The problem is that I will need 500 different charts (each one showing each
row of data).

Ο χÏήστης "Bernard Liengme" έγγÏαψε:

Del Cotter

The problem is that I will need 500 different charts (each one showing each
row of data).

I've said it before, but who *are* these sadists who demand hundreds of
charts to be made using Excel (instead of a more appropriate business
intelligence package), and then address this demand to employees who (no
offence George) don't know much about Excel charts!?

On another tack, do I understand right, and the plan is to plot five
hundred points of data (one row=one record=one data point) at one data
point per chart?

Jon Peltier

500 charts on a worksheet will hose your workbook. Here's a better way to

Assuming S/N in column A, Height in column B, and Age in column C, labels in
A1:C1, and 500 records from row 2 through 501.

Put the same headers in E1:G1. In E2 enter any serial number. In F2 enter
this formula:


in G2 enter this formula:


These two cells will update as the value in E2 is changed. Make an XY chart
using F2 as the Y value, G2 as the X value (age as independent variable
makes sense, no?), and E2 as the series name. Fix the X axis so min=0 and
max >= longest age. Fix the Y axis so min=0 and max >= tallest height.

To make this work nicely, add a scrollbar from the Forms menu. Orient it
horizontally, set its min to 1 and max to 500, and set its link cell to E2.
Drag the scroll bar to step down the list of trees.

So what good is showing one single tree on a chart? How about plotting all
trees on an XY chart, then add a series as I've described above in a
contrasting pattern? Then you not only see the indicated tree, but how it
relates to all the others.

- Jon

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