1. Have you applied Service Pack 1 for Office 2007 yet? If not:
2. Open the report in design view, and clear its Filter property (in the
Properties sheet.) You may also want to set the FilterOnLoad property to No.
3. Still in design view, make sure the Visible property is Yes for the
Detail Section, as well as for the controls it contains.
4. In the Report Footer section, temporarily add a text box with Control
Source set to:
This should show the number of records in the report, and will probably show
#Error if there are no records.
5. Run a compact/repair:
Office Button | Manage
6. If it still fails, open the report in Print Preview.
Open the Immediate Window (Ctrl+G), and enter:
? Reports![Report1].RecordSource
substituting your report name for Report1.
Double check that there are records matching this.
7. Set a different printer as the default, and try again. (Since Access uses
the metrics from the printer driver, a bad printer driver can mess up the
layout of the report.)
I'm assuming there's no chance that the data simply starts on page 2 of the
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
HJC said:
I have used earlier versions of Access and have been able to create and
reports; I created the first report in 2007 using the wizard yesterday - I
have done this several times and each time the report is blank - the
is there but no data - and I know there is data. I am guessing there is
something simple I am missing but I have been unable to find what that
missing step is. Any help would be appreciated!