Create quarterly schedule for activities



Hi there,

I am working in Access with linked tables from a product that was
created in Paradox. This program manages the members in our church
including attendance, demographics, contributions and activities. It
is somewhat limited so I do a lot of querying and reporting in Access.

I want to start a scheduling system for ushers, greeters, communion
servers, etc. in Access. We have 3 worship services each week and
people volunteer to help at a certain service-i.e. -9:00 Greeter, 10:30
Greeter or Wednesday Greeter. Each Activity/Service time has it's own
code. Each person is then assigned that code. If they're a 9:00
Greeter, they have an activity code of HM2, and so on.

I want to randomly input a person into each spot for greeter, usher or
communion server for the rest of the year for each service. One catch
is that we need more than one usher and communion server. Also, if
they're volunteering for both, they can't be assigned to two things on
the same date. IF possible, I'd like this in one table so you can
easily look at the "2006 Worship Participants" and see on June 10th who
is ushering, greeting, etc.

Does this make sense? Can anyone help?

Thank you so much!!

Peter Hibbs

This sounds fairly complicated but I would be willing to write a database
program to do want you want (free of charge, of course). If you are
interested please let me know so that we can exchange more details.

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