create report based on variable date/time



I have created a simple dbase based on an export of an excel sheet.
The dbase is named "ExportSC"

I have created 3 reports which are base on 3 date colums in de dbase.
report 1: open -> based on column "open date" and the results in report are
a result from a filter "=> "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm"
report 2: close -> based on column "close time" and the results in the
report are a result of same filter with diff values.
report 3: planned -> based on column "planned start" and the results in the
report are a result of a filter "Between #dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm# And #dd-mm-yyyy

I can change the filter manual, but I would like to have for each report a
pop-up box where I can add the date. I have tried Parameter query, but
without luck.

I hope some can help me

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