I am using MS PRoject Server 2003 and would like to create some VBA code
that you could place on
a toolbar button to automate the process and replace Duration values
with Duration1 values. can anyone help me with this?
I was in the Server group and got this far:
I am using MS PRoject Server 2003 and would like to create some VBA code
that you could place on
a toolbar button to automate the process and replace Duration values
with Duration1 values. can anyone help me with this?
I was in the Server group and got this far:
The issue that I have is that I need the Duration field to mimic the
Duration1 duration so the gantt bars will be accurate.
Currently the fields look like this
Text1 Duration Duration1
Med 1 day? 20 days
Then the Gantt bar for that task is 1 day
Because the Duration fields show values in minutes, I had to multiply
the 30 days by 480 (8 hours times 60 minutes) to get the value for 30
The result in the Duration1 field:
Tasks with a Text1 value = "Not Set" just show the Duration
Tasks with a Text1 value = "High" show 30 days
Tasks with a Text1 value = "Medium" show 20 days
Tasks with a Text1 value = "Small" show 10 days