create some VBA code to replace Duration values with Duration1 val



I am using MS PRoject Server 2003 and would like to create some VBA code
that you could place on
a toolbar button to automate the process and replace Duration values
with Duration1 values. can anyone help me with this?

I was in the Server group and got this far:
The issue that I have is that I need the Duration field to mimic the
Duration1 duration so the gantt bars will be accurate.

Currently the fields look like this

Text1 Duration Duration1
Med 1 day? 20 days

Then the Gantt bar for that task is 1 day

Because the Duration fields show values in minutes, I had to multiply
the 30 days by 480 (8 hours times 60 minutes) to get the value for 30

The result in the Duration1 field:
Tasks with a Text1 value = "Not Set" just show the Duration
Tasks with a Text1 value = "High" show 30 days
Tasks with a Text1 value = "Medium" show 20 days
Tasks with a Text1 value = "Small" show 10 days


Rod Gill

You can't add a formula to the Duration field so try recording a macro of
you copying all data in Duration1 to Duration.

The following will also work:

Sub CopyDur1
Dim Tsk as Task
For Each Tsk in ActiveProject.Tasks
If Not Tsk is Nothing Then 'Test for empty rows
End If
End Sub


Rod Gill
Project MVP

NEW!! Project VBA Book, for details visit:

Kathleen said:
I am using MS PRoject Server 2003 and would like to create some VBA code
that you could place on
a toolbar button to automate the process and replace Duration values
with Duration1 values. can anyone help me with this?

I was in the Server group and got this far:
The issue that I have is that I need the Duration field to mimic the
Duration1 duration so the gantt bars will be accurate.

Currently the fields look like this

Text1 Duration Duration1
Med 1 day? 20 days

Then the Gantt bar for that task is 1 day

Because the Duration fields show values in minutes, I had to multiply
the 30 days by 480 (8 hours times 60 minutes) to get the value for 30

The result in the Duration1 field:
Tasks with a Text1 value = "Not Set" just show the Duration
Tasks with a Text1 value = "High" show 30 days
Tasks with a Text1 value = "Medium" show 20 days
Tasks with a Text1 value = "Small" show 10 days



Public Sub SetDuration()
Dim t as task
For each t in activeproject.tasks
if not t is nothing then
with t
if .Text1= "High" then
.Duration = 30 * ActiveProject.HoursPerDay * 60 ' show 30
elseif .Text1 = "Medium" then
.Duration = 20 * ActiveProject.HoursPerDay * 60 ' show 20
elseif .Text1 = "Small" then
.Duration = 10 * Activeproject.HoursPerDay * 60 ' show 10
end if
end with
end if
next t
end sub

Stick it in a module and make a button for it.

Bill B

Kathleen said:
I am using MS PRoject Server 2003 and would like to create some VBA code
that you could place on
a toolbar button to automate the process and replace Duration values
with Duration1 values. can anyone help me with this?

I was in the Server group and got this far:
The issue that I have is that I need the Duration field to mimic the
Duration1 duration so the gantt bars will be accurate.

Currently the fields look like this

Text1 Duration Duration1
Med 1 day? 20 days

Then the Gantt bar for that task is 1 day

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