Create Study Groups Attendence DB



HELP! I am trying to tech myself ACCESS and am stumped. Here's the
scenario. There are twelve study groups. Each of 85 students are assigned
to a specific study group, but may attend others. If they miss their
assigned group they are required to attend another one that week. I need to
develop a database that will track the following: 1 Did a student attend the
assigned group? 2 If not what group did they attend? 3 What other groups did
they attend that week?

Will someone break it down into layman terms how I can accomplish this please?



No, I am doing this as a favor to the teacher. I've volunteered to help and
then realized that what she was asking was way beyond my capabilities when I
ran into the dead end of not knowing how to take the information from the
form and write it onto a new table. I'm stuck and desperate. I bought an
ACCESS training DVD from video professor, but it was of no help. Please help
me if you can. I would really like to do this for her.


Pete D.

Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, for my teacher or trying to teach myself, three
children later I don't buy it. But you can keep trolling if you want.

John W. Vinson

HELP! I am trying to tech myself ACCESS and am stumped. Here's the
scenario. There are twelve study groups. Each of 85 students are assigned
to a specific study group, but may attend others. If they miss their
assigned group they are required to attend another one that week. I need to
develop a database that will track the following: 1 Did a student attend the
assigned group? 2 If not what group did they attend? 3 What other groups did
they attend that week?

Will someone break it down into layman terms how I can accomplish this please?


This is a pretty classic example for relational database design. You need four
tables: a 12-row table of Groups; an 85-row table of Students; a table of
AssignedGroups with fields for the GroupID, the StudentID, and any information
about this student's relationship to this group; and finally an Attendance
table. This would have fields for the StudentID, the GroupID (the group the
student actually attended), and a date attended. These tables will allow you
to answer all the above questions.

John W. Vinson [MVP]


Thanks John,

I have those built and I have a form on which I choose a group to track and
it lists in one box who should attend that group with a check box, and in
another box all the other possible attendees with checkboxes. Once I've
checked off the oxes of those who have attended, how do I get the form to
write to the attnedance sheet so I can open up a new group to check off?


John W. Vinson

Thanks John,

I have those built and I have a form on which I choose a group to track and
it lists in one box who should attend that group with a check box, and in
another box all the other possible attendees with checkboxes. Once I've
checked off the oxes of those who have attended, how do I get the form to
write to the attnedance sheet so I can open up a new group to check off?

OK, I guess I don't understand.

What's the "box"? a Subform? a Listbox?

What's the Control Source of the checkbox(es)?

My suggestion would have a Subform with a combobox, based on the Students
table; you would select students one per row. I didn't suggest any checkboxes
and would not recommend them unless you have a really strong reason to use
them, since they involve either redundant extra fields, or unbound controls
and extra VBA code.

John W. Vinson [MVP]


OK, I guess I don't understand.

What's the "box"? a Subform? a Listbox?

What's the Control Source of the checkbox(es)?

My suggestion would have a Subform with a combobox, based on the Students
table; you would select students one per row. I didn't suggest any checkboxes
and would not recommend them unless you have a really strong reason to use
them, since they involve either redundant extra fields, or unbound controls
and extra VBA code.

John W. Vinson [MVP]

You are using terms I haven't learned yet. So let me try to explain what I
have so far. On the form there are two boxes that are the result of a query
from the students table. In that table one column is the student's name, the
next is the group they are assinged to, the next is a check box for Primary
Group Attended and the last is a check box for extra group attended. I
probably did it wrong. You were suggesting a different way of doing it that
I didn't understand (above) Could you please break it down into simpler
layman's terms (or add definitions). Thank for your patience and


John W. Vinson

You are using terms I haven't learned yet. So let me try to explain what I
have so far. On the form there are two boxes that are the result of a query
from the students table. In that table one column is the student's name, the
next is the group they are assinged to, the next is a check box for Primary
Group Attended and the last is a check box for extra group attended. I
probably did it wrong. You were suggesting a different way of doing it that
I didn't understand (above) Could you please break it down into simpler
layman's terms (or add definitions). Thank for your patience and

The fundamental thing is your Tables. Please post the actual structure of your

Fieldname <Primary Key>


Sorry about the heavy jargon - I'll try to clarify it. You're using ambiguous
jargon yourself: you have two "boxes". Textboxes? Combo boxes? Listboxes?
Subforms? Rectangles?? What's the Recordsource of your form? View its
Properties; the first property on the Data tab is the Recordsource. Is it a
table? Or a query? If a query please open it in SQL view and post the SQL.
What are the Control Source properties of the checkboxes?

John W. Vinson [MVP]


Start with the students database, downloadable from microsoft and start
poking around in it. it would be a good start.

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