Create Table in Linked Database



I have a separate database for my data and my application that i have linked
when the program starts up. I've been doing this so that people can have new
versions of the application without having to delete all of their entered

I am making a new release of the application that requires some alterations
to the database. Altering the tables in the other database shouldn't be a big
deal, however i also need to create a table there...

Is there a way to do a create table statement in the application database
that will put the table in the linked database as opposed to the application
database? After it's created i will have no problem linking it, my problem is
the create table statement automatically puts it in the database the sql is
being run from (the application database).


Graham Mandeno

Hi Ben

If you execute SQL against CurrentDb then that is where it will happen.

You need to open the linked DB as a separate database object and execute the
SQL statement in that context.

Something like this:

Dim dbBackEnd as DAO.Database
Set dbBackEnd = DBEngine(0).OpenDatabase( strBackEndPath )
dbBackEnd.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError

david epsom dot com dot au

Using a make table query from a table in CurrentDB
into a new table in MyData.mdb,

(air code)

SELECT myTemplateTable.* INTO
[MS Access;DATABASE=C:\MyData.mdb;].MyNewTable
FROM myTemplateTable;

or I would have said

SELECT myTemplateTable.* INTO
FROM myTemplateTable;


Jamie Collins said:
Graham said:
If you execute SQL against CurrentDb then that is where it will happen.

Something like this:

Dim dbBackEnd as DAO.Database <<snip>>

Alternatively, something more like this:

[MS Access;DATABASE=C:\MyApplicationDB.mdb;].MyNewTable (


david epsom dot com dot au

The OP *twice* mentioned 'create table statement' so I figured

It occurred to me the that the OP may have known
neither want they wanted nor what they were asking
for. I attached to your response because

1) It was an extension of your response, not Grahams,


2) My posting is not a complete answer, only an extension
or your answer.


3) Anybody who has to ask how to execute a command
against a database probably is not ready for DDL.

I agree that a Make Table query is not a complete
answer to creating a table in a database. On the
other hand, it is a compact method of doing something
that would require a lot of DDL for a large table,
and conveniently includes data transfer as well.

If you want to transfer data from your template into
your target table, a convenient way to source the data
is to put a template table into your source database.
(Yes, you can use massive SQL insert commands, but
that is not a sensible approach if you have an application
database). If you have a source table for your data,
it may be convenient to also use the source table as
a template for your target table, avoiding a lot of
error prone and unfamiliar DDL.

It may well be that "making a new release of the application"
imposes certain requirements, but I wouldn't like to
make any assumptions about what those would be, so I
think that it's a good thing that three different solutions
have been provided.


Jamie Collins said:
Using a make table query from a table in CurrentDB
into a new table in MyData.mdb,

(air code)

SELECT myTemplateTable.* INTO
[MS Access;DATABASE=C:\MyData.mdb;].MyNewTable
FROM myTemplateTable;

or I would have said

SELECT myTemplateTable.* INTO
FROM myTemplateTable;

The OP *twice* mentioned 'create table statement' so I figured they may
have wanted a SQL CREATE TABLE.

Jet's SELECT..INTO..FROM syntax does not cause the source table's
constraints etc to be retained in the new table, which I though would
be required when the OP is "making a new release of the application".


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