Create table of figures in Word XP


Bonsai Bill

In writing a book the publisher wants a table of all book figures along with
release information. To make the task less painful I would like to have a
macro that pulls figure numbers and captions and puts them into a two column
table. Ideally, I would like to be able to open a chapter (each chapter is a
separate file) and then have macro pull captions and concatenate them into
another file containing a table. (I must combine final chapters for publisher
when finished but that is months away and it often takes months to obtain

Each figure needs to go on a separate row. If it makes coding easier, I can
first generate a list of figures in each chapter. I started to manually do
this process but found it tedious. I have 20 chapters plus an appendix. Some
chapters have up to 25 figures.

Any suggested VBA code would be most welcomed!


Jean-Guy Marcil

Bonsai Bill was telling us:
Bonsai Bill nous racontait que :
In writing a book the publisher wants a table of all book figures
along with release information. To make the task less painful I would
like to have a macro that pulls figure numbers and captions and puts
them into a two column table. Ideally, I would like to be able to
open a chapter (each chapter is a separate file) and then have macro
pull captions and concatenate them into another file containing a
table. (I must combine final chapters for publisher when finished but
that is months away and it often takes months to obtain releases.)

Each figure needs to go on a separate row. If it makes coding easier,
I can first generate a list of figures in each chapter. I started to
manually do this process but found it tedious. I have 20 chapters
plus an appendix. Some chapters have up to 25 figures.

Any suggested VBA code would be most welcomed!


You probably do not need a macro for that.
Have you tried using Tables of Figures (Insert > Reference > Index and
Tables > "Table of Figures" tab) in conjunction with an RD field?

Bonsai Bill

Thank you Jean-Guy for your reply. I was aware of being able to create a
table of figures but didn't know about the RD option. I tried the following
in a new file:

{ TOC \n \c “Figure†}
{ RD D:\\ 2nd Version on D\\Chapters\\01 Processing Principles 09-04-26 (0)
..doc }
{ RD D:\\ 2nd Version on D\\Chapters\\02 Pumps 2009-5-24 (1).doc}

When I hit Shft+F9 I got the following error in the first field
Error! No table of figures entries found.

I created fields for file namess using Ctrl+F9 and then pasted file names
in. However, these lines were not gray indicating the were not a field. It
stops indicating a field after I type in RD.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your help.

Jean-Guy Marcil

Bonsai Bill was telling us:
Bonsai Bill nous racontait que :
Thank you Jean-Guy for your reply. I was aware of being able to
create a table of figures but didn't know about the RD option. I
tried the following in a new file:

{ TOC \n \c "Figure" }
{ RD D:\\ 2nd Version on D\\Chapters\\01 Processing Principles
09-04-26 (0) .doc }
{ RD D:\\ 2nd Version on D\\Chapters\\02 Pumps 2009-5-24 (1).doc}

When I hit Shft+F9 I got the following error in the first field
Error! No table of figures entries found.

I created fields for file namess using Ctrl+F9 and then pasted file
names in. However, these lines were not gray indicating the were not
a field. It stops indicating a field after I type in RD.

RD fields are like Index Entry fields, they are hidden and do not appear in
gray like other fields. Notice the dotted underlining?

It is hard to tell what you are doing wrong form your description, however,
try this page, it contains very accurate information regarding the RD field:

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