Create TOC for comlex Chapter pages



I'm writing a book. The Part and Chapter pages are distinct from other pages,
and employ complex styles. I'm having trouble getting the TOC right.

The Chapter page is like this:

1 <--- The Chapter Number (Style: "H2", auto-numbered)
Introduction <--- The Chapter Title (Style: "My Chapter Title Style")
to This Topic


Part Number and Title are similar ("H1", "My Part Title Style").

I inserted TOC using H1/H2/H3. Obviously, only Part/Chapter Numbers showed
up in TOC; I need the Part/Chapter Titles there as well. How to do this? If
w/o programming, even better; if programming, how to do this?

Thanks a lot in advance!

-James Huang

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You can include any styles you want in the TOC by assigning levels to them
in the TOC Options dialog, but if you want the number and title as part of
the same entry, you'll have to take another approach. I usually do it the
other way around. Use the heading styles for the actual titles, Heading 1
for the top-level style (which in your case would be the Part title),
Heading 2 for the next-lower level (Chapter title), and so on. Use custom
(numbered) styles for the chapter and part numbers. Then add the numbering
to the TOC 1 and TOC 2 styles in the TOC.


Hi, Suzanne,

I'm experimenting with your approach. The only part I do get is the last
one: "Then add the numbering to the TOC 1 and TOC 2 styles in the TOC." What
are the TOC 1 and TOC 2 styles in the TOC? Pardon me for my ignorance.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

When you create a table of contents, you are inserting a TOC field. This
field uses a set of nine styles (TOC 1, TOC 2, etc.) for the nine heading
levels that can be included in the TOC. By default, TOC 1 is used for
Heading 1, TOC 2 for Heading 2, and so on, but you can assign any TOC style
level to any style (built-in or custom), so that, for example, you can use
TOC 4 for Heading 1 if you want to (by typing 4 beside Heading 1 in the TOC
Options dialog).

All these TOC styles can be modified (customized) just like any other Word
style. By default ("From template") they're plain-vanilla Times New Roman
12, with progressive indents so that each style is indented more than the
next higher level. If you experiment with applying some of the other TOC
formats (Classic, Distinctive, Fancy, etc.), you'll get an idea of what can
be done to customize these styles. One of the ways they can be modified is
by adding numbering, which can be customized in all the ways you can
customize numbering for any other style.

For general instructions on modifying styles, see When your
insertion point is in the TOC field, if you have the Styles and Formatting
pane displayed, you'll see TOC 1 or TOC 2 or whatever in the "Formatting of
selected text" box. Click the arrow in that box and choose Modify... from
the menu to start the process.


Thank you very much, Suzanne! This actually resolves my other concerns
regarding customizing the TOC styles. (I knew it must be there somewhere but
just didn't find a way.)


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