Create User Customized Form


Please Help

Good morning,

I have also posted this tread in the Form section.

I would like to create a form for a report where users can select the fields
on the form that they want on the report.

For example, on the left side of the form, we have a list of fields, and the
users can move the fields that they want from the left side of the form to
the right side. Then click on a command button to preview the report.

I went through my Access 2003 book, and I do not see a way doing that.

Can someone help me or point me to the sources on doing?



See my response in the Forms section. Also, please avoid multi-postings.
See Help for how to cross-post simultaneously to two or more forums. When
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Please Help

Good morning Sprinks,

Thanks for your help and suggestion! I got your message from the Forms

Thanks again.

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