Created, Modified, Accessed anomaly



I noticed that when I go to Properties/General, Created date is sometimes
later date than Modified date. What is the explanation for this?

Graham Mayor

Hard to say without knowing the history of the document, but using SaveAs
might do it - and in any case all the properties are editable so it doesn't
mean a great deal in the real world.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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How could Save As do it?
I noticed that actually quite a few documents have
Modified date before Created and I know these
fields were not edited. I am curious how these
fields are calculated by the program

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I believe if you Save As, then the CreateDate is reset to the date of the
SaveAs, while the SaveDate and PrintDate will still be those of the previous
version until the new doc is saved again (and the PrintDate won't change
unless it's saved after another printing).


Not very logical software implementation
but still perhaps less confusing in your case
than in mine because of the terminology used.
In my version of Word (Office 2000) there is no
SaveDate and PrintDate but Modified and Accessed.
The Accessed date seems to be what it says, but
when Created becomes later date than Modified
it just looks nonsensical.
Thanks for an explanation

Suzanne S. Barnhill

SaveDate (a field) is the equivalent of the Modified date in Properties;
PrintDate is the equivalent of Printed. There is no field equivalent to

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