Creating 2 subforms on a form



I am trying to create a form that utilizes 2 subforms - one to link toa table
with customer contact info (linked fields - [CustomerID]), the other to link
to a table that keeps track of equipment lent to the customers (linked fields
- [LoanID].) The main form has the [LoanID], as well as the loan date, and
return date. This is based on yet another table.

Problem: the main form and customer contact subform work OK. But, the loan
items subform does not open in the main form. The error message I get is:
"This expression is typed incorrectly, or is too complex to evaluate...Try
simplifying parts of the expression by assigning parts of the expression to

I am a very simple user of Access - and do not code. I have been able to
make pretty complex programs using only the drag and drop apps and queries.
So please explain to me what, in theory I am doing wrong... like, should this
be based on a query instead of direct tables, or something like that.


Jeanette Cunningham

Hi 4charity,
the loans are related to the customer.
Imagine that you want to show all the loans for a single customer - you
would find all the records in the loans form that have the same CustomerID
as the Main form.
I am assuming that the loans table is related to the customer table via the
customer ID.

If your setup is like I have described above, you could link the second
subform to the main form via the customer ID field.

Jeanette Cunningham MS Access MVP -- Melbourne Victoria Australia

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