Creating a Chart in a Report

  • Thread starter Emlou85 via
  • Start date

Emlou85 via


I am struggling to do my very first chart at the moment! I have a table of
students Maths results. The students are given a mark in December, April and
E.g. the table looks like this:

Student ID Dec Apr June
1 45 55 57
2 78 57 79
3 67 70 72

I want to be able to produce a line chart which shows how they are
progressing. So the first page of the report will show the details of a
particular student and then there will be a line chart underneath to give a
visual picture of how they are progressing and then page 2 will have the next
students details and a line chart of their results.

However, when I go through the chart wizard nothing I try seems to make it
work! Can anyone help or is it that I have some of the tables set up

Thank you for your help!


Duane Hookom

I don't agree with your table structure and would have create a table with
fields like:

However, you can create this normalized structure using a union query. There
is a sample that might help you at
Check out the Report with chart using 2 link fields.

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