The code below creates a chart and places it on the Excel spreadsheet.
I can;t seem to find a couple of things how can I control what is
displayed on the x and y axis?
and how can I control how wide or how many points are displayed.
oChart = oWS.Parent.Charts.Add
With oChart
Excel.XlChartType.xlLine, , Excel.XlRowCol.xlRows)
'.ChartWizard(oResizeRange, Excel.XlChartType.xlLine, ,
oSeries = .SeriesCollection(1)
'' oSeries.XValues = oWS.Range("A2", "A6")
''For iRet = 1 To iNumQtrs
'.SeriesCollection(iRet).Name = "=""Q" & Str(iRet) & """"
''Next iRet
End With
I can;t seem to find a couple of things how can I control what is
displayed on the x and y axis?
and how can I control how wide or how many points are displayed.
oChart = oWS.Parent.Charts.Add
With oChart
Excel.XlChartType.xlLine, , Excel.XlRowCol.xlRows)
'.ChartWizard(oResizeRange, Excel.XlChartType.xlLine, ,
oSeries = .SeriesCollection(1)
'' oSeries.XValues = oWS.Range("A2", "A6")
''For iRet = 1 To iNumQtrs
'.SeriesCollection(iRet).Name = "=""Q" & Str(iRet) & """"
''Next iRet
End With