Creating a custom user environment


Kevin Henning

I am trying to create a database that will allow users to login and go right
to a form customized for them. They should only be able to modify data on
their form, and no one else's. Any ideas?

Rick B

Set up User-Level security so everyone has to log in.
Turn off the database window on startup and turn off the bypass.
Create an autoexec macro that opens the form based on their UserID.
Only give them access to their forms. You will also have to take away
access from the table and the query if your users are smart enough to try to
go around you and open them directly.

The following links might help...

Bypassing shift key...

User-Specific Forms...

Similar post on User Forms...

Security FAQ...

Security White Pages...

A post on taking away access to the table, but still allowing updates
through a form...

And one more...

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