creating a database



I'm trying to decide on the best way to design a database that will be tha
majority of yes / no values for instance i have a multiple jobs for one piece
of machinery and under the job there are multiple duties that could be done
and a rating for each dutie . There are 14+ items that have this format

Any suggestions or help is appericated


Use five tables -
- Equipment
EQID - autonumber - primary key (PK)
Equip Code - text
Description - text
Remarks - memo

- Job
JOBID - autonumber - primary key (PK)
EQID - number - (FK)
JOB - number - (FK)
DutyRec - number - (FK)
Start - datetime field
End - datetime field
Parts - text
Remarks - memo

- DutyRate
DutyRec - autonumber - primary key (PK)
DuID - number - (FK)
Rating - (Yes/No) Pass/Fail

JOB - autonumber - primary key (PK)
Description - text
EstTime - number - single - estimated hours
EstLabor - number - single - estimated employees

- Duties
DuID - autonumber - primary key (PK)
Name - text
HowTo - memoor hyperlink to Step-By-Step Instructions
Safety - text or hyperlink to safety information

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