Creating a Date

  • Thread starter Phantom_guitarist
  • Start date


I need to create a date from several columns in a table. ie one for the day,
one for the month and one for the year. The items are stored as numbers.
Can anyone help me.

John Vinson

I need to create a date from several columns in a table. ie one for the day,
one for the month and one for the year. The items are stored as numbers.
Can anyone help me.

DateSerial(yearnum, monthnum, daynum) does exactly this: e.g.

DateSerial(2003, 11, 2)

will return a Date/Time value #11/2/2003#.


Cheers, that worked excellent. What about if I wanted to combine a text
field and a number field.
Text field: phone calls
number field: 6

new field: phone calls (6)

Jeff Boyce

You can concatenate fields in a query -- you may need to convert a numeric
field to a string with the CStr() function.

Perhaps something like (actual syntax may vary)

YourNewString: "Phone calls (" & CStr(Nz([phone calls],0)) & ")"

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

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