Creating a decimal field


Harry Theoharis

How can I create a decimal field using a Create Table query

It seems that both double or numeric create a double field and there is no way to specify a decimal field of specific (e.g. 9,2 or 18,0) precision

Thanks in advance

Michel Walsh


CurrentProject.Connection.Execute "CREATE TABLE toto ( f1 DECIMAL( 12, 2))"

It DOES NOT work with DAO, so, it does not work in the query designer. Try
the statement in the immediate window. You need Jet 4.0 ( Access 2000 or

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

Harry Theoharis said:
How can I create a decimal field using a Create Table query?

It seems that both double or numeric create a double field and there is no
way to specify a decimal field of specific (e.g. 9,2 or 18,0) precision.

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