Creating a directory with 2 colums using mailmerge



I want to create a directoy. My data will come from anexce
spreadsheet. I need the data to populate a table with 2 colums. Ho
can I do this in Word or puplisher

Lisa Wilke-Thissen

I want to create a directoy. My data will come from an
excel spreadsheet.

Which versions of Word/Excel are you using?
I need the data to populate a table with 2 colums.

So, what is the problem? How many fields will be used? How do you want
them to be arranged within the table?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Set up the mail merge main document (as a "Directory") with two columns and
put your merge fields in the first column. As the page fills, the content
will fill the second column. If this is something like an address directory
that has more than one line per entry, make sure to end the lines with line
breaks (Shift+Enter) instead of paragraph breaks (Enter) so that the entire
address block will be a single paragraph. Then format that paragraph as
"Keep lines together" so that it will not be broken across columns or pages.

"Jody46" wrote in message

I want to create a directoy. My data will come from anexcel
spreadsheet. I need the data to populate a table with 2 colums. How
can I do this in Word or puplisher?

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