Creating a distribution list


Kerstin Schiebel


I use sometimes a little script for importing a text file for creating a
distribution list.
The syntax for the text file is email;name
I get a DL where the display name is always the email address. Now
emailaddress = display name
I want to change the script that the name is always imported into the field
"display name".
I would be very lucky, if someone could give me a hint.

Thank you very much.
'Öffnen der Datei
Set f = fs.GetFile(Dateiname)
Set ts = f.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateFalse)

'The MailItem is required to create the Recipients collection
Set myMailItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Set myRecipients = myMailItem.Recipients

I = 1
'Lesen der einzelnen Datensätze und hinzufügen der EMail-Adressen
'ASCII-Datei in der Form: emailadresse; Name
While ts.AtEndOfStream <> True
zeile = ts.ReadLine
Pos = InStr(1, zeile, ";")
If Pos > 0 Then
EMailAdr = Mid(zeile, 1, Pos - 1)
myRecipients.Add EMailAdr
MsgBox "Fehler in " & zeile
End If

'Create the Distribution List item
Set myDistList = myFolder.Items.Add(olDistributionListItem)
myDistList.DLName = InputBox("Bitte geben Sie den Namen der Liste ein: ",
, "???")

myDistList.AddMembers myRecipients

Michael Bauer

Hi Kerstin,

please use this syntax or adding the Recipient:

myRecipients.Add "<" & Name & "> " & EMailAdr

Kerstin Schiebel

Hi Michael,

sorry for the late answer but my PC had some problems during the last days
First thank you very much for the hint.

Now I get always the Display Name "Outlook" instead of
Mustermann, E. (E.Mustermann@gmx)

A record in my text file looks like this:
(e-mail address removed); Mustermann, Elke (

Do you have an idea?


Kerstin Schiebel

Hi Michael,

'The MailItem is required to create the Recipients collection
Set myMailItem = myOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Set myRecipients = myMailItem.Recipients

I = 1
'Lesen der einzelnen Datensätze und hinzufügen der EMail-Adressen
'ASCII-Datei in der Form: emailadresse; Name
While ts.AtEndOfStream <> True
zeile = ts.ReadLine
Pos = InStr(1, zeile, ";")
If Pos > 0 Then
EMailAdr = Mid(zeile, 1, Pos - 1)
' myRecipients.Add EMailAdr
myRecipients.Add "<" & Name & "> " & EMailAdr


Thank you very much

Michael Bauer

Ok, you forgot to extract the name. If your records are reliably in the
described format then I´d do it this way:

Dim as() as String
as=Split(zeile, ";")
myRecipients.Add "<" & as(1) & "> " & as(0)

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