I'm sending this out there in the hopes that someone who has vast more Excel
knowledge can help...
I am attempting to create a master tracking sheet that I can use at work for
the various things that I need to keep an eye on for my job.
I track three basic types of documents: Applications, Checks, and Mailings.
What I would love to set up is a series of options that opens up in the
following columns depending upon the document type selected.
For example, I sent an "application" out on X date, I want the next column
to have a list of common applications, and then the following column to
populate the date to follow up (which is always three days out).
On the row underneath however I could enter that I sent a check to corporate
on X date and a similar but different set of options would populate such as
type of account deposited into and amount.
The date for follow up calls is pretty constant at three days, so I am sure
I can figure out how to create a formula for a column that pre-populates the
date+3 to follow up.
If someone would please just point me in the right that would be great. So
far, all my Google searching has got me to creating lists within a column by
using data validation. I hope that this is on the right track!
Thank you in advance for anyone who responds. I greatly appreciate it as
getting this put together would save my work life a whole lot of stress as I
currently have four different trackers for four different types of documents!
knowledge can help...
I am attempting to create a master tracking sheet that I can use at work for
the various things that I need to keep an eye on for my job.
I track three basic types of documents: Applications, Checks, and Mailings.
What I would love to set up is a series of options that opens up in the
following columns depending upon the document type selected.
For example, I sent an "application" out on X date, I want the next column
to have a list of common applications, and then the following column to
populate the date to follow up (which is always three days out).
On the row underneath however I could enter that I sent a check to corporate
on X date and a similar but different set of options would populate such as
type of account deposited into and amount.
The date for follow up calls is pretty constant at three days, so I am sure
I can figure out how to create a formula for a column that pre-populates the
date+3 to follow up.
If someone would please just point me in the right that would be great. So
far, all my Google searching has got me to creating lists within a column by
using data validation. I hope that this is on the right track!
Thank you in advance for anyone who responds. I greatly appreciate it as
getting this put together would save my work life a whole lot of stress as I
currently have four different trackers for four different types of documents!