Creating a dynamic first page bottom margin


The Yogurt Man

I'm wondering if anyone could offer assistance in setting up a more elegant
programming solution / field code (and one that worked for both Mac and PC)
to solve the following problem:

Our non-profit organization has letterhead with a large graphic in the lower
right hand of the page. For one-page letters, signatures fit nicely in the
space to the left of the graphic with a 1" margin. However if the letter goes
to two pages, the bottom margin needs to bump up on the first page, or text
would run through the printed graphic.

To solve this problem, I've created a first page footer with the following
field code:
{ IF { NUMPAGES } > 1" <img file> " "}

Thus, if the NUMPAGES is greater than one, an image file (the size of the
graphic on our letterhead (minus the document margin size)) is inserted in
the footer of the first page, creating a taller bottom margin on the front
page that won't interfere with the logo.

There are two issues with this solution:
1) It doesn't seem to work on PC word applications.

2) This solution works sort of well on a Mac. If a letter as it is being
written goes to two pages, it automatically inserts the footer. However, if
you want to shorten your letter after it has gone to two pages so that it
will fit onto one page, the code won't recognize when the text will once
again fit onto just one page until all of the text fits onto the shortened
front page. (In other words, if by adding one line the document spills to
two pages (creating the larger bottom footer on the front page), if I delete
that one line, the document won't revert back to the original footer state
(no image in the footer). Instead, I have to delete enough lines so that the
entire document fits on one page with the larger footer, then (and only then)
the footer will revert back to its original state (no image in the footer).

In an ideal world, the solution would do three things:
1) work on both Mac and PCs :)
2) be able to determine the length of the document with or without the
footer, and remove the footer when a document would fit on one page, and add
the footer when it would fit on two pages. [I wonder, is there a way to set
the IF variable to the number of lines on the page?]
3) Allow the user to see whether the letter was going to fit onto one page
or spill onto two, so they could make appropriate text changes if necessary
to fit the letter onto just one page.

Thanks for any help you might be able to offer.

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