I'm very new to visual basic and I was wondering how do I create a folder and
place the modified file from the macro into that new folder. Here's my code
so far. I would also like to name the folder and file to they day that the
macro is run if that's possible?
Option Explicit
Sub CRautomate()
'Application.OnTime TimeValue("012:49:00"), "CRautomate"
'-----------Declare all variables-----
Dim Col As Integer
Dim Row As Integer
Dim oExcel As Object
Dim oBook As Object
Dim oSheet As Object
Dim newBook As Workbook
Dim newSheet As Worksheet
Workbooks.Open "I:\SW\users\CR Prioritization\Raw Data\template" 'Open
template file with dropdown menus
'--------Populate the spreadsheet----------------------------
Row = 1
Do Until Row = 25
For Col = 1 To 35
ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, Col) = Data.Cells((8 + Row), Col).Value
Row = Row + 1
If Row = 2 Then Row = 3 'gets rid of .... field
").Hidden = False 'unhide columns
").ColumnWidth = 20 'make column D visible
With Application.FileSearch
.FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
.LookIn = "I:\SW\users\CR Prioritization"
.SearchSubFolders = True
End With
ActiveSheet.SaveAs "I:\SW\users\CR Prioritization\Automation Test
Folder\Open CR List" 'output file
Workbooks("Open CR List.xls").Close 'close the file which was opened
End Sub
place the modified file from the macro into that new folder. Here's my code
so far. I would also like to name the folder and file to they day that the
macro is run if that's possible?
Option Explicit
Sub CRautomate()
'Application.OnTime TimeValue("012:49:00"), "CRautomate"
'-----------Declare all variables-----
Dim Col As Integer
Dim Row As Integer
Dim oExcel As Object
Dim oBook As Object
Dim oSheet As Object
Dim newBook As Workbook
Dim newSheet As Worksheet
Workbooks.Open "I:\SW\users\CR Prioritization\Raw Data\template" 'Open
template file with dropdown menus
'--------Populate the spreadsheet----------------------------
Row = 1
Do Until Row = 25
For Col = 1 To 35
ActiveSheet.Cells(Row, Col) = Data.Cells((8 + Row), Col).Value
Row = Row + 1
If Row = 2 Then Row = 3 'gets rid of .... field
With Application.FileSearch
.FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
.LookIn = "I:\SW\users\CR Prioritization"
.SearchSubFolders = True
End With
ActiveSheet.SaveAs "I:\SW\users\CR Prioritization\Automation Test
Folder\Open CR List" 'output file
Workbooks("Open CR List.xls").Close 'close the file which was opened
End Sub