Derek Wittman
Good afternoon
I'd like to create a maintenance form (message) for divisional managers to be able to fill out and email right to me. Something simple (for them) where they can just do drop downs, enter a handful of text values or numbers and email me. Fields should include
Requestor (text entered
Title of Requestor (dropdown
Division (dropdown
Date Requested (sent date
Department (dropdown
Task (dropdown
Description if OTHER (text
New Standard? (Yes/No check box
Current standard (number entered - allowed to leave blank
Operation ID (number entered - allowed to leave blank
I'm having trouble with fields that could come from headers (like FROM: and SENT
I can work on the formatting later, but I'm in need of the actual implementation. Can someone please help me, or point me to a website? I've been to the mvps.org and didn't see in Outlook a site that would help
Thank you
I'd like to create a maintenance form (message) for divisional managers to be able to fill out and email right to me. Something simple (for them) where they can just do drop downs, enter a handful of text values or numbers and email me. Fields should include
Requestor (text entered
Title of Requestor (dropdown
Division (dropdown
Date Requested (sent date
Department (dropdown
Task (dropdown
Description if OTHER (text
New Standard? (Yes/No check box
Current standard (number entered - allowed to leave blank
Operation ID (number entered - allowed to leave blank
I'm having trouble with fields that could come from headers (like FROM: and SENT
Thank you