Hi there
I hope somebody can help me with this, as i have tried to get it to
work for about the last 3 years on and off.
I shall explain what i need to know and why to help make it easier for
someone to explain to me what i need to do.
Well, currently, my close family runs a dreamteam (soccer) where points
are given to each person each month blah blah blah.
What i am trying to do is set up a table in excel and have the table
update the positions, i.e. John has 22 points, Laura has 32 points, Joe
has 42 points and Jim has 52 points.
With this information, i have three columns.....
column 1 is titled position, and below that i have 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and
4th (these obviously don't change)
Column 2 is titled Name, and below i want the names, John, Laura, Joe
and Jim
Column 3 is titled points, and below i have the scores 22 pts, 32 pts,
42 pts and 52 pts.
Also the points are next to the appropriate names, i.e. Laura has 32
pts, Joe has 42 pts etc.
What i am after is for the table to update automatically when i punch
the new scores in ( i punch the scores in a different location on the
sheet, and they transfer down to the table), so that if for example
Laura has a good week and has the most points, she would then be shown
top of the league with say 102 pts, and the rest in descending order.
I hope someone can help me, i would be most grateful and appreciative.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
P.S. I have attached an xls file with a layout.
I hope somebody can help me with this, as i have tried to get it to
work for about the last 3 years on and off.
I shall explain what i need to know and why to help make it easier for
someone to explain to me what i need to do.
Well, currently, my close family runs a dreamteam (soccer) where points
are given to each person each month blah blah blah.
What i am trying to do is set up a table in excel and have the table
update the positions, i.e. John has 22 points, Laura has 32 points, Joe
has 42 points and Jim has 52 points.
With this information, i have three columns.....
column 1 is titled position, and below that i have 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and
4th (these obviously don't change)
Column 2 is titled Name, and below i want the names, John, Laura, Joe
and Jim
Column 3 is titled points, and below i have the scores 22 pts, 32 pts,
42 pts and 52 pts.
Also the points are next to the appropriate names, i.e. Laura has 32
pts, Joe has 42 pts etc.
What i am after is for the table to update automatically when i punch
the new scores in ( i punch the scores in a different location on the
sheet, and they transfer down to the table), so that if for example
Laura has a good week and has the most points, she would then be shown
top of the league with say 102 pts, and the rest in descending order.
I hope someone can help me, i would be most grateful and appreciative.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
P.S. I have attached an xls file with a layout.