I was hoping someone could help me with this problem. To abbreviat
Sheet I will use S1 and S2.
I need to copy the number from column A of S1 and put it in column A o
S2, so S2 Col A will list each number only once. Any time a new numbe
is imported into S1 Col A that is not on the list will be added to th
list on S2.
After that I need to consult that LOG on S2 Col A.
If S1 Col C contains a certain task name, ("Audit Task") for example
then compare column A of that same row to all rows in Column A on S2 t
see if there is a match. If there is a match then don't count and kee
searching for next occurance of that task. If there is no match betwee
ColA S1 and ColA S2 then count = count + 1. (That shows that the tas
hasn't been counted in the past.
The main idea behind this is:
The number in Col A is a project Number and the value of Col C is
Name of a Task. These tasks can go throught a rework loop and com
through on my list, days or even months later with the same projec
number in Col A. I want to avoid counting a task with the same projec
number more than once and that is why I need a log of all projec
numbers that have came through already so I can compare and it doens'
get counted twice.
I can't think of any other way to keep track of tasks and projec
numbers that have already been counted. This will be on going and thei
will be thousands of project numbers with multiple different tasks fo
each project number.
If someone could help me with this I would be very grateful.
If you have any questions just ask.
Thank you
I was hoping someone could help me with this problem. To abbreviat
Sheet I will use S1 and S2.
I need to copy the number from column A of S1 and put it in column A o
S2, so S2 Col A will list each number only once. Any time a new numbe
is imported into S1 Col A that is not on the list will be added to th
list on S2.
After that I need to consult that LOG on S2 Col A.
If S1 Col C contains a certain task name, ("Audit Task") for example
then compare column A of that same row to all rows in Column A on S2 t
see if there is a match. If there is a match then don't count and kee
searching for next occurance of that task. If there is no match betwee
ColA S1 and ColA S2 then count = count + 1. (That shows that the tas
hasn't been counted in the past.
The main idea behind this is:
The number in Col A is a project Number and the value of Col C is
Name of a Task. These tasks can go throught a rework loop and com
through on my list, days or even months later with the same projec
number in Col A. I want to avoid counting a task with the same projec
number more than once and that is why I need a log of all projec
numbers that have came through already so I can compare and it doens'
get counted twice.
I can't think of any other way to keep track of tasks and projec
numbers that have already been counted. This will be on going and thei
will be thousands of project numbers with multiple different tasks fo
each project number.
If someone could help me with this I would be very grateful.
If you have any questions just ask.
Thank you