I am attempting to create an Access 2003-based mileage log with data
generated by a Palm Treo application (Trip Deluxe). I have it almost
completed execpt for one feature. I need for my destination (address, city,
state) to become my departure point on my next entry. Unless someone has a
better suggestion, it looks to me (and my very limited Access experience)
that I need for this to take place during the OnFormat event in the Detail
section. What I think needs to happen is that the record pointer needs to
advance to the next record in the query (I have two tables inner joined)
retreive the
destination, return to the current record and load that data into the fields
set up as the departure point, and then print the current record. I think my
method is sound; I just don't know how to code it. Any help would be greatly
appreciated. Let me describe the process I'm using to implement this. All
data entry takes place on my Palm Treo using Trip Deluxe and
the built-in Contacts application. When the Treo is Hot-Synced with my
laptop, the Trip data is loaded into an Excel spreadsheet and eventually
imported into Access as a *.csv file into a table named Trip. The Contacts
info is transfered into Palm's Desktop app and exported into another Excel
spreadsheet, also in *.csv format. After another import, this data ends up in
a table called Locations. This is the source of my address information that
needs to
alternate between departure and arrival points. Thank you for your time and
generated by a Palm Treo application (Trip Deluxe). I have it almost
completed execpt for one feature. I need for my destination (address, city,
state) to become my departure point on my next entry. Unless someone has a
better suggestion, it looks to me (and my very limited Access experience)
that I need for this to take place during the OnFormat event in the Detail
section. What I think needs to happen is that the record pointer needs to
advance to the next record in the query (I have two tables inner joined)
retreive the
destination, return to the current record and load that data into the fields
set up as the departure point, and then print the current record. I think my
method is sound; I just don't know how to code it. Any help would be greatly
appreciated. Let me describe the process I'm using to implement this. All
data entry takes place on my Palm Treo using Trip Deluxe and
the built-in Contacts application. When the Treo is Hot-Synced with my
laptop, the Trip data is loaded into an Excel spreadsheet and eventually
imported into Access as a *.csv file into a table named Trip. The Contacts
info is transfered into Palm's Desktop app and exported into another Excel
spreadsheet, also in *.csv format. After another import, this data ends up in
a table called Locations. This is the source of my address information that
needs to
alternate between departure and arrival points. Thank you for your time and