Sara Sun
Hi all
I am using an access database to maintaining the data of a small group of
people. I am very comfortable with Access. Every now & then I send email to a
group of people, who I have to query, to find their email address (which is a
column in a table in my DB). I process in this results in excel or word. Make
this column of data into a paragraph which can be cut & pasted to e-mail’s
‘to’ address.
I am thinking of creating a report which summarizes a column of email
address with separator (; or ‘) so that anybody can copy the text & paste it
to their outlook outgoing address. Instead of me going thru the procedure of
querying & processing in excel or word. In a sentence is a way to summarize a
column of data into a paragraph??
I did get a suggestion program like this & it worked, BUT any text box of
Access is not allowing more then 2048 characters (I may be using up to
5000characters or more)
My questions are
1. is there any one who had this same problem & got a tricky way out
2. is there any way of splitting this into 2 – 3 text boxes.
3. is it feasible if I am trying it in MS- access report ( again the number
of characters plays a major issue here)
If anyone can help me out here it will be of a great help for me.
This is the program I used
“ Then copy and paste this code to the form load event.
Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "SELECT EMailColumnName FROM EmployeeTableName",
CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
email = ""
While Not rs.EOF
email = email & Trim(rs.Fields(0)) & ","
email = Left(email, Len(email) - 1)
Me.Text0.Text = email “
I am using an access database to maintaining the data of a small group of
people. I am very comfortable with Access. Every now & then I send email to a
group of people, who I have to query, to find their email address (which is a
column in a table in my DB). I process in this results in excel or word. Make
this column of data into a paragraph which can be cut & pasted to e-mail’s
‘to’ address.
I am thinking of creating a report which summarizes a column of email
address with separator (; or ‘) so that anybody can copy the text & paste it
to their outlook outgoing address. Instead of me going thru the procedure of
querying & processing in excel or word. In a sentence is a way to summarize a
column of data into a paragraph??
I did get a suggestion program like this & it worked, BUT any text box of
Access is not allowing more then 2048 characters (I may be using up to
5000characters or more)
My questions are
1. is there any one who had this same problem & got a tricky way out
2. is there any way of splitting this into 2 – 3 text boxes.
3. is it feasible if I am trying it in MS- access report ( again the number
of characters plays a major issue here)
If anyone can help me out here it will be of a great help for me.
This is the program I used
“ Then copy and paste this code to the form load event.
Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "SELECT EMailColumnName FROM EmployeeTableName",
CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
email = ""
While Not rs.EOF
email = email & Trim(rs.Fields(0)) & ","
email = Left(email, Len(email) - 1)
Me.Text0.Text = email “