Creating a PDF


Ben Bond

I know how to create a PDF from Project using the Gantt
report format. What I am wondering is if I can restrict
the amount of time that the PDF generates for the length
of the project. Ex. I have a project starting today that
lasts 1 month. When I generated the PDF it showed all
the way back to August until 29th and then shows till the
end of my project. It also places it on another page. I
would like to have it all on one page w/ just a few days
on either side of my project showing on the Gantt chart
Please let me know if there is a way to restrict the dates

Gérard Ducouret

Hello Ben,
- Check the Start date of your project : Project / Project information : is
it on August or on today ?
- File / Print / Dates : From... To...

Gérard Ducouret

Steve Maul

Ben, I use the PDF995 tool that can take any Microsoft application and print
it to a .pdf file. So, you can take any view you want from Project and print
it directly to a pdf file and you will see the exact same view that was
displayed in Project. the website is


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