Creating a PPT 2003 CD that runs on WIN 98 & WIN 98SE and beyond



I need to create a single CD that will run my PPT 2003 presentation on all
Windows versions from the original 98 on. To do this I have created a foulder
with all the files from running BOTH Pack&GO97 (PPT 2002) and Package CD in
2003 PPT. Copying this to a CD works fine for 98SE and beyond, bit I want my
customers (who probably don't know which Windows version they have) to after
seeing it does not run as expected on their Win 98 computer, to be able to
manually start it in Windows 98 using the older Pack&Go approach. When I
create seperate disks, they work by themselves-the animations are not
functional on the older PPT97 viewer version however. Combining "everything"
on a single CD to run on Standard 98 seems to be a problem. Can you help?

TAJ Simmons


Sonia Coleman is the expert when it comes to autorun CDs with powerpoint content.

Are you saying everything works fine with package to CD....but not if some customers are using windows 98 (and not the
SE second edition version) ?

TAJ Simmons
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One way to approach this would be to write a small program that determines the
version of Windows running and thereby determine whether to initiate the
PowerPoint 2003 Viewer or the PowerPoint 97 Viewer. The autorun statement would
run this small program written by you. Please note that I am not a coder and
cannot help you with how that would be done.

Another way would be to create the CD with Package for CD and include simple
written instructions with the CD, explaining to the user how to determine
whether the CD will run correctly on their version of Windows. I would include
a folder on the CD that includes all of the files needed to run the PowerPoint
97 Viewer and would include instructions for users of Windows 98 on how to
locate and double click on PPVIEW32.EXE and then go to File > Open and locate
the presentation file. The instructions would tell users of Win 98 SE, ME, 2000
and Xp to just put the CD in the drive and let it run.

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