I am not sure what you're referring to when you ask me to rationalize
but it is possible that a name associated with a property will show up
more than once
Okay: a table of Vehicles will have a field called NumberOfSeats, and so
will a table of MeetingRooms... generally, though, if two things are the
same then they should be in the same table.
(some folks enter the foreclosure process - fix there
current situation and then find themselves in the same situation 6
months later).
Surely that means two records in the same table then -- or, rather, one
record in the Folk table and two in the Foreclosures table.
In that instance, all information in the database
would be the same EXCEPT for case_number.
If you are really not recording anything about a case except its number;
but that seems just a little bit rudimentary.
As I said before, I am not at all sure that what you have done already is
wrong: it's just that I cannot imagine how you might order things better
because I can't see where you are now. Think of it this way:
TABLES ARE NOUNS -- sometimes abstract ones, but typical entity names
might be something like People, Cases, CourtHearings, Allocations,
LettersSent, and so on. Some tables have special roles like "junction"
tables, and it might make sense to use verbs for these: IsAllocatedTo,
IsAPartyTo, SubmittedSignatureOn, etc.
COLUMNS ARE ATTRIBUTES -- and are often adjectival phrases: Colour,
NumberOfSeats, FirstName. Some columns are special because they indicate
where other information can be held (i.e. foreign keys) but the name
should still indicate the role the field plays in this table: BuildingNum
is meaningless, IsResidentAt is obvious. Sometimes it's helpful again to
use verbs for foreign keys.
The short answer is that your naming scheme is your business not mine! To
go back to your original question (and I don't really see how it links in
to the subsequent description), why do you really want to create a field
that is made up of bits of other fields?
B Wishes
Tim F