Creating a printed form



It should be a very simple form, but I'm having trouble with the calcution fields. I have the form set up. Lines 1-7 (with text) left justified, with $ amounts at the end of each line. I have inserted the fields, set the properties up as numbers with the format that I want. There are no macros

Line 3 needs to add [text2] and [text1] (lines 2 & 1, respectively. I set the type (under properties) to calculation and used the following formula: =text2+text1\#,##0.00 . But, it doesn't calculate. I do not understand the "calculate on exit." "Exit" from what? Since the cell isn't "fill-in enabled", my cursor won't tab to that field in order for me to have an opportunity to "Exit."

Also, line 4 should return the value of line 3 times 1.5%. and line 7 should return the sum of line 3 through line 6

I've never tried to use a formula in word and was actually surprised that word had that capability. Now, I'd just like to be able to design a user friendly form, one that can be filled in and then printed.

Any help would be appreciated


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Set the calculation on exit property for the text1 and text2 fields, then
the calculation will be executed when the user leaves those fields.

Note that you will not get the correct result if you use as an input to a
formfield calculate a formfield that itself is the result of a calculation.
Therefore in line 4, the formula will need to be

=( text2 + text1 ) * 0.015

For line 6 you will have to use

= (text1 + text2 ) * 1.015 + text5

For a good tutorial on forms see:

Please Fill Out This Form
Part 1: Create professional looking forms in Word

Part 2: Adding Automation to your Word forms.

Part 3: Learn more VBA (macros) to automate your forms.

Part 4: Use custom dialog boxes in your Word forms

Part 5: Connect your AutoForm to a database to save input time and keep
better records!

Please post any further questions or followup to the newsgroups for the
benefit of others who may be interested. Unsolicited questions forwarded
directly to me will only be answered on a paid consulting basis.

Hope this helps
Doug Robbins - Word MVP
Lynnecpa said:
It should be a very simple form, but I'm having trouble with the calcution
fields. I have the form set up. Lines 1-7 (with text) left justified, with
$ amounts at the end of each line. I have inserted the fields, set the
properties up as numbers with the format that I want. There are no macros.
Line 3 needs to add [text2] and [text1] (lines 2 & 1, respectively. I set
the type (under properties) to calculation and used the following formula:
=text2+text1\#,##0.00 . But, it doesn't calculate. I do not understand
the "calculate on exit." "Exit" from what? Since the cell isn't "fill-in
enabled", my cursor won't tab to that field in order for me to have an
opportunity to "Exit."
Also, line 4 should return the value of line 3 times 1.5%. and line 7
should return the sum of line 3 through line 6.
I've never tried to use a formula in word and was actually surprised that
word had that capability. Now, I'd just like to be able to design a user
friendly form, one that can be filled in and then printed.

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