Creating a query from a form



Reworking a previous entry:

I have a cmdbutton in a form with the following code: This appears to work
except an error occurs if the same name of an existing query is input into
the InputBox more than twice.

Run-time Error 3012 : Object 'Cqry' already exists.

Why doesnt the error handler not pass the second time around?
How can I check for the existance of a query name?


Private Sub Command185_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command185_Click
Dim curdatabase As Object
Dim qrydef As Object
Dim qname As String
Dim qdf As QueryDef

qname = InputBox("Enter a name for this Query", "New Query", "Cqry")

If Left(qname, 4) <> "Cqry" Then
qname = InputBox("Query name is not valid. Input another name.", "New
Query", "Cqry")
GoTo TestName
End If

Set curdatabase = CurrentDb
Set qrydef = curdatabase.CreateQueryDef(qname, "Select * from tblContact")
DoCmd.OpenQuery qname, acViewDesign, acEdit

Exit Sub

qname = InputBox("Query name already exist. Input another name.", "New
Query", "Cqry")
GoTo TestName
Resume Exit_Command185_Click

End Sub


AUTO-REPLY From George Levitt

Please allow this to confirm a system receipt of your e-mail.

I am out of the office until Wednesday morning (1/12/05) and will not be
reviewing or responding to email or voicemail until that time.

I look forward to replying to your message on Wednesday.

Thanks and warmest regards, George

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