Creating a resume function for a database



I am creating a database for our IT dept to replace our paper schedules with
an online version. What I need to create is a way to bring an incomplete
schedule back up so the operator on the shift can finish the schedule out,
(example would be when the operator breaks for lunch and someone else comes
in and logs into his pc while he is out, which would close the schedule

My idea is to create a table that is populated by the values of the primary
keys for the schedule table, tblSCHEDULE, time table, tblTIME, spool tablle,
fblSPOOL, and misc table, tblMISC. These tables hold all the data associated
with the jobs that are run. tblTIME is linked to tblSCHEDULE by ScheduleID,
(primary key for tblSCHEDULE). tblSPOOL and tblMISC are linked to tblTIME
via the TimeID, primary key for tblTIME. The table would keep the
information for each ScheduleID as long as it finds the Completed field is
No. Once the value is changed to Yes, the records would be deleted from the
table for that ScheduleID entry. Can you help me figure out how to do this?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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