Creating a running total - using "x" to populate field



I am looking how to do the following:

I've created a worksheet showing attendees at a meeting
which has many different sessions. I need to know how
many will be in each individual session. I am using the
letter "x" as the indicator that they will be at a
particular session. How do I keep a running total of how
many are attending each session at the bottom of each
column? I will be adding and deleting attendees over the
next couple of weeks. Thanks in advance..!

Paul B

Bobbie, use something like this =COUNTIF(A1:A16,"x") or even this
="The Number Attending Is " & COUNTIF(A1:A16,"x")

Paul B
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Using Excel 97 & 2000
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Paul Corrado


Assuming you have a table with Attendees in Col A and a column for each
session, then

=COUNTIF("column range","X")

will return the number of cells marked as you have indicated.



You can use a countif statement.
For example Countif(b5.b15,"x")
This will give you a total of cell that contain a letter x.
Don't forget to put the quotation mark around the letter x.

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