Creating a searchfolder with a userdefined column


Jay Pete

Hi Guys,

I am trying to create a plugin for Outlook 2007 using Visual Studio

I am trying to create a new userdefined field called ColorID on my
Inbox. I want this ColorId to be used to create a new Search Folder.
can do that using the code below. My problem is that I cannot get
Outlook to display the ColorID column in the Search Folder, and
subsequently group my search result by this column (a thing I can't
manually in Outlook either by the way).

That's my first problem. I also want to enable in cell editing on
Search Folder.

My next wish for this is that I want to add a little icon in the
column that shows the actual color of the ColorID I have added. Is it
possible to have two different views of the cell when the edit cursor
is in the cell and when it isn't. I'd like to be able to just write 2
for the color green for example, and then have it show up as a green
icon when the cell is no longer in editmode.

Can anyone point me towards a place where I can see how this is done
or show me? It would be greately appreciated! I have spent the last
three days trying to find a solution on the MSDN website without
finding a solution.

Thanks, Jay

---==CODE START==---
//Get folder object
Outlook.Folder folder =
as Outlook.Folder;

//Add ColorID user definied property
Outlook.OlUserPropertyType.olText, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);

//Create Search Folder
string Scope = "'Inbox'";
string Criteria = "
{00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/ColorID ci_phrasematch '2'";

Outlook.Search sFolder = Application.AdvancedSearch(Scope, Criteria,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing);

//Save search folder
---==CODE END==---

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