Creating a sequential list from Random Buttons



I have a sequence of buttons (8 in total) relating to various address fields.
I want to be able to push any given button (in any order) and fill in a blank
text placeholder field with the corresponding address field from that button
until all 8 buttons (or less) have been pushed, eventually creating a list of
addresses that combined to make for an A-B route list (which can just be 8
seperate fields, instead of one conactenated field).

So far so straight forward. If the buttons were to be pressed in 1,2,3…
fashion, I could simply instruct access to place them sequentially. But the
problem is that I want the user to be able to make their own random choices.
Which means that Access has to know that the first button pushed goes in the
1st address placeholder field, and the second button pushed goes in the 2nd
field, the third button goes to the 3rd field, and so on…

I figured that perhaps an IsNull function would be able to see which of the
next available fields were blank and fill in from there. My problem is that I
think this may need some kind of looping procedure, but I haven’t a clue how
to go about coding for this. I really don’t know where to start, I don’t know
if this can be doen via a table and query, or direct coding. I don’t even
know what kind of description to use for describing it or if I’m posting in
the correct forum(s). Can anyone help me, or maybe offer a simpler solution
to this problem?

Ron Weiner

I am not exactly sure what it is that you want to do, but it sounds like you
want to present al list of items to your users and have them perform a
custom sort, based on rules they supply.

In the past when I needed to do this I would add an extra column (an
Integer) to the table where the Items to be sorted are kept called Seq, and
sort the list on that column. Typically I would use a list box to display
the items and a couple of command buttons (up and down) to change the values
of the Seq column and requery the list box. Might be way off base here, but
there is my two cents

Ron W


Thanks fort replying Rob,

That's not really what i want to do. Rather I wanted to allow the user to
pick up to 8 seperate addresses from one form and poulate another in the
order that they choose. It would not be a total inclusive list, as it can be
any number up to 8. The purpose is to 'build' a search pattern that could be
parsed to googlemaps in order to do a multi-location search route.

Meanwhile, the problem has been solved over in 'Access Database Programming'

here's a link if anyone is interested.

hope it makes sense.

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