Creating a server based web on a local server



I've got XP Pro (SP2), IIS 5.1 installed along with the Front Page 2002
extensions installed. This is my personal home computer, and what I want to
do is create a web site on the server so can make full use of the front page
extensions and also write server side scripting. From what I can tell, IIS
setup created a default web site (called Default Web Site), and any web pages
I construct should be put in the c:/Inetpub/wwwroot folder.

At this time, when I go to URL "http://<servername>" the localstart.asp page
shows up. The information in that page is helpful but far from conclusive.

What I want to do is use FrontPage 2003 to create a server based website for
development on my home computer, so I'm gleaning that FrontPage and IIS will
collude somehow to put it in C:/inetpub/wwwroot. But in FrontPage, when I
select One Page Web to create, what do I put in for the address? Do I have to
use the server name, like "http://<severname>.com"? (http://<servername>.com
presently takes me to my geocities home page, which is the furthest thing
that I want)

What should I do with the files that were installed automatically in
inetpub/wwwroot during IIS setup?

Is there a good starter book that I can get that provides steps on how to
create and administer local standaline sites on IIS? Not the huge 1000 page
monstrosities, as at this point in time I'm not interested in Network
Administrator tasks.

Thank You

Stefan B Rusynko

Do not open the disc based location of the IIS root web (C:/Inetpub/wwwroot) in FP
Open the server based location in FP using http://localhost/
(note: do not add .com)

You can also create subwebs in http://localhost/ in FP

You can delete the files created by IIS or put them in a folder (say IISstart) and convert the folder to a subweb in FP
- is you have added and have a folder named aspnet_client convert it to a subweb

| I've got XP Pro (SP2), IIS 5.1 installed along with the Front Page 2002
| extensions installed. This is my personal home computer, and what I want to
| do is create a web site on the server so can make full use of the front page
| extensions and also write server side scripting. From what I can tell, IIS
| setup created a default web site (called Default Web Site), and any web pages
| I construct should be put in the c:/Inetpub/wwwroot folder.
| At this time, when I go to URL "http://<servername>" the localstart.asp page
| shows up. The information in that page is helpful but far from conclusive.
| What I want to do is use FrontPage 2003 to create a server based website for
| development on my home computer, so I'm gleaning that FrontPage and IIS will
| collude somehow to put it in C:/inetpub/wwwroot. But in FrontPage, when I
| select One Page Web to create, what do I put in for the address? Do I have to
| use the server name, like "http://<severname>.com"? (http://<servername>.com
| presently takes me to my geocities home page, which is the furthest thing
| that I want)
| What should I do with the files that were installed automatically in
| inetpub/wwwroot during IIS setup?
| Is there a good starter book that I can get that provides steps on how to
| create and administer local standaline sites on IIS? Not the huge 1000 page
| monstrosities, as at this point in time I'm not interested in Network
| Administrator tasks.
| Thank You

Junkyard Engineer

don't forget that your ISP might block port 80 so nobody outside will be
able to access your website. You have to define another port (i.e 8080 or
81) in website property in MMC. Then in the setup page at your Domain
registrar, put your IP and a port redirect

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