Creating a small "on demand" pop up over a link



I need to create a pop up that will only "pop-up" if somebody touch a
specific link within that webpage. I need a pop-up with a dimension of 4 x
4inches that will contain a brief message.... is it possible using Frontpage
2000 ?

HTML coding would be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance,


4inches? How big is that on my cellphone?

4inches by 4 inches is definitely not a brief message. If you want such an
encyclopedia on your page, you would have to use some javascripted method
for displaying it - GOOGLE "overlib" for a good one. Otherwise if you just
want a few words, like "Caveat Emptor" or "Abandon hope all who enter here",
you can just add the title attribute to the link tag, e.g.,

<a href="gatesofhell.html" title="Abandon hope...."

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