Unfortunately that mail address is full of spam (32 pages the other
day!).Anything futher send to:
biggest (underscore) ears (at) hotmail (dot) com
I'm going to spend a while looking into this lot tonight - I think its
a cool way to learn excel
Just wish I could remember my triginomitery - can't even remember what
sin and cos are !! (will find out though)
Anything else cool please forward
Unfortunately that mail address is full of spam (32 pages the other
day!).Anything futher send to:
biggest (underscore) ears (at) hotmail (dot) com
I'm going to spend a while looking into this lot tonight - I think its
a cool way to learn excel
Just wish I could remember my triginomitery - can't even remember what
sin and cos are !! (will find out though)
Anything else cool please forward
keepitcool said:Jason,
I've tried emailing you with an "improved" version.
bouncedsmall wonder!
This may be of interest for the math/theory..
plotting of stars: centre rather than topleft.
starting angle
starting radius
Just experiment a little with the settings..
Option Explicit
Sub DrawSpiral()
Const nStars = 100 'Stars to plot
Const nPower = 0.95 'Quadratic accelerator
Const nCircles = 4 'Full Rotation (# circles)
Const nCircle0 = 0.25 'Starting Rotation (# circles)
Const bClockWise = True 'Direction
Const rInner = 0.25 'InnerRadius/OuterRadius
Const sMin = 5 'Starting size of star
Const sMax = 20 'Ending size of stars
Dim i&, j! 'Counter
Dim x!, y! 'Positions
Dim s!, k! 'Size, Angle
Dim x0!, y0!, r0!, rN! 'Origin, Radii
'' Note:
'' Evenly distributed
'' nStars/nCircels => even
'' nPower => 1
'' Npower
'' > 1 will accelerate segment length
'' < 1 will decelerate segment length
With Worksheets.Add(before:=Sheets(1))
.Name = "Spiral" & Format(Time, "hhmmss")
With [a1:g30]
x0 = (.Left + .Width) / 2
y0 = (.Top + .Height) / 2
rN = WorksheetFunction.Min(x0 - .Left, y0 - .Top) - sMax / 2
r0 = rInner * rN
End With
With .Shapes
For i = 1 To nStars
j = (i - 1) ^ nPower / (nStars - 1) ^ nPower
'Star Size
s = sMin + (sMax - sMin) * j
k = 2 * WorksheetFunction.pi * _
(nCircle0 + nCircles * j) * -bClockWise
x = x0 - s / 2 + Cos(k) * ((rN - r0 - s / 2) * j + r0 + s / 2)
y = y0 - s / 2 + Sin(k) * ((rN - r0 - s / 2) * j + r0 + s / 2)
.AddShape msoShape5pointStar, x, y, s, s
End With
With .DrawingObjects.Group
.Name = "Spiral"
.ShapeRange.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed
.ShapeRange.Line.Visible = msoFalse
End With
End With
End Sub
< email : keepitcool chello nl (with @ and .) >
< homepage: http://members.chello.nl/keepitcool >
keepitcool said:i said "mathemagician"
i'm fairly good with numbers, but alas no formal training.
the thing is.. in this code the angle increment is linear
which with a low number of stars looks awful.
Whereas formally for a spiral the linesegment length should be fixed,
so the stars distribution is not on "spokes"/fixed angles but more
like wound string will the stars at fixed intervals.
I'll need to find a more elaborate algorithm somewhere. Might give it
a whirl later today.
< email : keepitcool chello nl (with @ and .) >
< homepage: http://members.chello.nl/keepitcool >